Tuesday, March 4, 2008


So my sister tagged me, a process which means I am to disclose curious or random things about myself that you would otherwise be unaware. However, I thought I would take a different approach to the game. I am going to elaborate about some random things about my hubby Casey you might not know about. The goal would then be for Casey to do the same for me, though Charlie might learn to speak before that ever happens.

1. First on my list for Casey is the topic of food. I actually thought I would explain some of his habits that I have found amusing. First, some of you may know his mother is from the south, and eating pickled chicken feet aside, she also bestowed in her son the custom of putting a slice of cake in a glass and pouring milk over it before consumption. I find this to be weird or odd at best. This is the preferred method for cake eating in his house.

Also, if you ever wonder what choice of entree Casey is about to make at a restaurant let me give you a hint: it will be either Chicken fingers or something else he can smother in BBQ sauce.

2. Casey is a Detroit Lions fan. For those of you not "in the know" about NFL teams, the Lions have not have a winning record since...ever? I asked Casey why he would ever root for this team; he said when he was a kid he got sick of all of his friends being "bandwagon" fans (ie rooting for whichever team is the best that year). So he chose years ago the worst team at the time and decided to stick with them. I'm sure he didn't figure they would NEVER have a winning season, but Casey is holding out for the year when they are on top and he can boast that he is a true fan. (though every now and then even he will put the Lions shirt in the back of the rotation due to a particularly embarrassing showing).

3. Don't ever say anything stupid or embarrassing around Casey, because he will remember forever. He sweats over his midterms but never forgets his favorite line from Nacho Libre.

4. You may or may not know Casey is very handy. He built me an 8 foot planter box, he helps his nephew with math, and he works on rebuilding his dune buggy when he can find a spare garage.

5. Speaking of dune buggy's, Casey used to ride dirt bikes. He has owned multiple bikes over the last 15 years or so and was really impressive at riding. The reason many of you may not know this about him is he had to sell his bikes when he tore out his knee.

6. One skill I get to appreciate is that Casey can cook. He is very creative in putting meals together and they turn out really well! This skill has come in handy since I have been going to school at nights for the last couple of years.

7. Casey is also very patient. Whether its with my tardiness (or worse, waiting for my brother! Mike you know who you are :), the grandkids, or other wrenches life throws; he definitely has a better handle on this than I do. Good thing, one day we'll have kids and sOmEbody is going to have to deal with them at 2 am!!


Brittney said...

What a nice tribute to your hub-a-dub dub.. he is very patient! Good thing you found each other so you can rely on each other's strengths. I think he has a good gift for lessening the stress of a situation and making people laugh when they otherwise wouldn't feel like it.

You forgot to tell everyone his habit of saying, "What's the problem?" or is it "What the problem is?" haha..

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, Chicken Fingers!

Oh and I'm following Casey's lead I guess...decided last year I'd start rooting for the Dolphins since I never had a real favorite team before. Good choice....they were the worst!