I was digging around my computer and came across some old pictures. I thought it would be fun to compare how different we look in just a few short years!
Anybody remember this guy?
Taken at my parents house in 2003
Anybody remember this guy?
Taken at my parents house in 2003
Here I am with dark curly hair!
I think the mental image I keep of myself still looks like this.
This is on a trip to Vegas for my 21st birthday.
I think the mental image I keep of myself still looks like this.
This is on a trip to Vegas for my 21st birthday.

Taken in November 2006
Much different than the sausage dog who enjoys Barbara's cooking a litttttle too much..

Wow, at first glance I thought Casey cut his hair.. Its funny how fast everyone changes in just a short time, like me and my belly..hehe.. Well cute pics they dont seem that long ago.. Megs
Wow, yeah.. the difference is quite striking. You'll have to bring your camera on Friday because I don't have one to take pictures with!! I'll be stealing everyone else's pictures. I want one with my family.
Was that first guy one of the backstreet boys?
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