Not to take away from all of the work I put in for my Bachelor's degree, but this was definitely something cool to be achieving. It was interesting to realize at commencement how few women were receiving the MBA. They have you come on stage one at a time as a Master's grad and the dean "hoods" you. So there I am center stage by myself being hooded, they put the thing down around my neck and out of habit I reacted like such a girl- I reached up and flipped my hair out of the way. I didn't think about it, just reacted, but in the middle of all of those guys here I am front and center flirting with my hair!
I have been keeping a list of all of the books I want to read now that I will have more time and not be reading textbooks. If anyone has any suggestions let me know! I'm also hoping to take a vacation sometime during the fall with my hubby - thats right, a vacation in the middle of what would have been a normal semester!! There will also be lots of things to do around our new house and I think Casey can be excited to see me home (and not studying) most nights of the week -maybe even a hot dinner or two!
Here I am showing off my Master's Hood!
My dad and I (Casey gave me the flowers)
My in-laws were even nice enough to come support me!
Here we all are celebrating by eating lunch at Maddox
And of course my dad on Weber State's campus chasing a goose after commencement. For those of you who know my dad, you know this isn't that unusual

Hooray, hooray!! You done good. Way to flirt with the dudes haha.. You can come visit us in the fall!!! We can go swimming and stuff.. and yeh, that's so dad to chase the goose. Would've been funnier if he fell in the pond! haha..
congrats sher! you should be so proud!! haha your dad, that one is funny!
Way to go Sheryl! The last picture made me laugh out loud. Our fathers are too alike in some ways (imagine that- being twins and all)
Congrats, that is quite an accomplishment, I cant wait till thats me, two more years..
Congratulations! i'm way jealous! You look cute in all your pics!
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