Thursday, July 3, 2008


We have been playing soccer for a local recreation league for the last couple of years, usually on Friday nights with a co-ed team. We try to have fun and its a good way to get together with everyone. Below is about half of our team; Jessica, Joslyn, Shanae, and Adam left too early for a picture.
Top Row Left: Mike, Brandon, Justin, Casey, Troy, Trevor
Bottom Row: Tasha, Sheryl, Karilynn
After the game..
Look at Casey jump!
Troy and Kari just started playing with us this year.


Brittney said...

Was Casey the goalie?? Thanks for letting us play with you several times. That was fun.

Tasha said...

Hey, you did post the picture!! That's kind of a goofy picture of some, like trevor and kari! I voted yes on his catch even though I don't remember. He just looks like he's set up well for the catch in the picture.

Brittney said...

oh i just saw your vote thing. he's right on the goal line, so i think it went out of bounds.