Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Getting SO Old!

I could always picture myself reaching certain age milestones in my life. 16 - dating and driving; 18 - move out on my own; 21 - fully legal adult. However, all of a sudden I'm slowly creeping past this age and I never mentally prepared myself. Now I'm sitting on 25 and its crazy! Of course, my in-laws still think I'm a baby. My bro-in-law died on me when I said the first American president I was aware of was Bush Sr.

Casey had class on the night of my b-day so my parents went out to Red Lobster with me so I could stuff myself with shrimp! Casey didn't feel left out - we never go there together since he is allergic to shellfish.


Brittney said...

YAYYYYYYY! Happy bday! Looks like you had fun with mom & dad. So glad you could come visit me before your b-day.

The Bates Family said...

I like the picture at Red Lobster. It makes me miss my work. Ho was your service....I always have to ask.:)

Emmy Z. said...

Happy birthday!

Wray Family said...

Happy Birthday! I love that sentance... I'm slowly creeping past this age and I never mentally prepared myself... I feel the same way haha

Shelece & Josh said...

Happy birthday! Hope your day was great! I wonder what we will say in 25 years when we all turn the big 5-0? Seems that will never come.