On Saturday we went to the BodyWorld exhibit in SLC with Mike & Janiell and Trevor & Emily. For more information about this exhibit, you can see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_Worlds. It was really interesting to see different parts of the body in such a unique way. Mike got sick halfway through and had to take a breather, he tends to be a bit queasy when even discussing blood, etc.
No pics from inside the exhibit, but here you get to see Trevor demonstrating his knowledge of human anatomy...
WHAT!? Where are the cruise pics? Hope you're getting them up soon... I think I may get a little sick too if there are real bodies of dead people.. bleh..
Body Worlds is the COOLEST! I went in New York and Chicago. Then, as soon as I leave, they actually come to Utah. Maybe over my Christmas vacation...
And NO FAIR showing a picture without your prego belly. Such a cheater.
Trev and I have been to the 'Bodies' exhibit in Vegas a few times and it is absolutely FACINATING. Doesn't it make you totally respect and admire what the human body can do?
Not sure if they displayed it in this exhibit, but I think one of the most mind boggling displays was of the vascular system. They show just the arteries and veins of an entire body ... upright and in form... craziness.
I was a little disappointed however when I discovered that the 'Bodies' exhibit put a disclaimer on their web site indicating in a round about way that they didn't really know where the bodies came from... hmmm... so, these people didn't donate their bodies to science? Slightly disturbing, eh?
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