Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween 2008

We celebrated the holiday with a new niece! Navy Lynn was born Halloween morning to Mike and Jayna
All of the grandkids were so cute in their costumes. Here is Dewey as the cutest tigger ever!
I remember being more excited on Halloween as a kid than this group looks...


Brittney said...

oh my oh my oh my... so many things to comment on! What a cute little nephew I have! He's getting so big! AND YOUR HAIR! I love it more brown (of course)! And that's the closest thing to a belly picture that I've seen. So cute! Seriously I hope you're taking at least a few pics of your belly and just not posting them.. because you'll probably want them later. You look beautiful as ever!

Emmy Z. said...

I agree. Need more belly pics for those of us in other portions of the country.

Don't you just love little kids in costumes, like Tigger and a bumblebee? So cute!

Quintana's 3 boys and a girl said...

How cute!! Tell Jayna and Mike I said congrats. I really miss Jayna as Decker's teacher she was the best!!

Melissa said...

I really like the name Navy... how precious... I can smell her through the computer... mmmm... newborn babes smell sooooooo good. It's truly one of the best smells on earth!!!!

You'll understand soon enough... I can't wait for you guys to smell your newborn. Enjoy it while it lasts. :-)

Melissa said...

I really like the name Navy... how precious... I can smell her through the computer... mmmm... newborn babes smell sooooooo good. It's truly one of the best smells on earth!!!!

You'll understand soon enough... I can't wait for you guys to smell your newborn. Enjoy it while it lasts. :-)

Tasha said...

Halloween is so fun with little ones!! How's your baby coming by the way? I don't hear too much from you. Hope it's going well!