Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bonfire and Big Boy Chair

Last weekend some of Casey's cousins were having a campout up on Monte Cristo. We decided to join them for a cookout. The weather barely held up for us. The guys threw the football around and did some target practice. Of course the girls talked and ate. All in all, good stuff.
Lincoln is now getting good use out of his big boy chair. He is also starting to take an interest in having toys, though at this point he still hasn't figured out its easier to play with them if he were to open his hand instead of smashing at them with a closed fist.


Brittney said...

Fun party!!! That Lincoln is SO HANDSOME!!! I just love him to pieces.

Emmy Z. said...

He's getting big! Looks like he takes after his daddy with all that dark hair. I bet my babies will be the same way!

Carissa said...

I'm jealous of all the fun camping trips you guys get to go on!

The Bates Family said...

Lincoln looks so much like you! i love watching them learn new things.

carolynandkevin said...

What a cutie!!!! That look on his face is hilarious. It's amazing how strong he's getting sitting in his chair.