March went by so quickly. Maybe it was the gloomy weather, but the camera just didn't make it out that often. But here are a few highlights from our month.
Since much of my day revolves around chasing this monkey, included are a couple pics to show his favorite spots

We went to St George one weekend to spend time with my sister. It was nice to get away and to visit. Her baby was fun to snuggle and hold, though Lincoln was not happy about sharing his momma! Kent, Britt, and Beckett at a dinosaur exhibit.

Some friends of ours came over and hung out one night. Their baby girl Lilly was born 4 weeks after Lincoln. Its times like this when I remember that he really is big for his age...
(do you love the look on his face about having to share his car)

Grandma Taylor gave the boys their Easter presents early. They both LOVED the pinwheels. They also got some fun books, one is a pop-up book and whenever we read it Lincoln is mesmorized.

Fun! Send me that picture of me and kent bigger if you can. Lincoln is such a doll. Glad you could come visit. We had fun!
Ha! I love all the pictures of him climbing in to places. Has he ripped his pop-up book apart yet? :)
I love his little "places". Too funny! He may be a little on the big side, but he sure it a cute little guy!
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