It was that time of year again! Time for the annual family camping trip to Island Park. We were gone for an entire, blissful week. I miss waking up and being able to walk out my door and see the river and enjoy the mountain air. It was a rather eventful trip this year. It took Casey's uncle 15 hours to get there as he had 2 tires blow out, a belt break, and a fan blow up and smash his radiator. Guess thats what you get for only driving your 25+ year old truck once a year up camping.
Our nephew Bridger fell during the trip and had an object shoved down his throat causing blood blisters all around his mouth and down. Poor little guy.
Worst of all, my mother-in-law fell out of a trailer and broke her leg. It was a really bad break and she had to have surgery to put rods and plates in to fix it. She stayed 4 days in the Rexburg hospital but is home recovering now. It will be a long recovery - 8 weeks on crutches and a good 6 months before she is done with all her rehab.
Despite the drawbacks, we had a really good time.
Of course I got some reading time in...
We went to the bear and wolf exhibit in West Yellowstone. They had a habitat there as well. I never realized wolves were so mangy. And this polar bear was huge!
Floating the Henry's Fork is a must...
though Lincoln didn't really like the life jacket
At Mesa Falls
Looking at the falls from above
My mother-in-law brought this little tub and all the babies loved getting bathed in the sunshine!
Looks like a lot of fun! We just love Island Park! That really is a lot of bad luck to have in one trip!
yikes... sounds like more went wrong than I even heard about. Poor Barb!! Is she gonna die not being able to cook? Or will she figure out a way to cook on crutches?
Lincoln is so adorable!! Love the baby bath.
So everyone else that went had something bad happen but you? Lucky! Rexburg is only 20 minutes from our house and no visit!? :D Lincoln is so so cute!
I can't figure out why Lincoln didn't like his life jacket??? Glad you guys had a good trip. That's too bad about Barbara, but I'm glad everything is okay now.
Linc has squishy mouth in the life jacket. Tooo funny. Love the tub. Cute pics of all the fam especially at Mesa falls with all 4 of you (Charlie included)
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