Over the weekend we attended the county fair. My mom was nice enough to watch Lincoln so we could have a night out alone together. It was fun to see lots of people we knew, exhibits, animals. Funny to see the jr high and high school kids hanging out there and realizing how old I am!
Casey was in flavor country with his snow cone...

This pig was over 1000 pounds!! It was a monster!!

Casey said this was the billy goats gruff littlest brother

you forgot a picture of yourself!!
Looks like you had fun!
I have been bugging blake for over a week to call Casey and get your address. Well of course he didn't do it, but we are having a housewarming party thursday night. Your invite is sitting on my desk (without an address). But you guys are invited and we would love you to come. Go to my blog for all the info. Thanks!!
Wow that pig is huge!!
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