Thursday, August 13, 2009


My baby is a goofball. When he's in his jumparoo he just kills me; its so funny to watch. Thought I would share...


Brittney said...

SOOOOO cute! He's already bigger. Awww I just want to pinch his cheeks. Those are very pinchable kissable cheeks. thanks for takin the video!

St. Jeor Family said...

That is just to cute!!! We have that exact Jumper and Lilley loves it too. Although she hasn't figured out the whole jumping thing. She can barley touch the floor but loves to play with the toys.

The Bates Family said...

he looks so cute. i love to watch babies giggle and bounce around in those things.

carolynandkevin said...

You'll have to sneak up on him and catch him when he doesn't see you and he's really doing his wild think. I've seen him really get going in that thing like he was playing the drums like a wild man and loving it!

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